Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Pictured Encyclopedia: Apperception

On a rainy New-England Thursday the full 1o volumes of the Compton's Pictured Encyclopedia 1929 edition were rescued from a little match-seller doom inflicted by some soulless parent.

Rahdel has already demonstrated its dedication to promoting literacy to children. The Compton discovery is another opportunity to teach our kids the values left behind by time.

A is the letter for this first lesson which will cover African Apperception.


And yes the benefits of civilization can be summed up by this little hard core at the tip of a wily stick.

The concept of apperception is better grasped by a drawing

You see for sensible people a golden rock is merely a rock heavier than others because they do not have the necessary experience to judge the market value of gold, as opposed to those wearing the full monty.

Homework for next week: define your apperception of this encyclopedia and of its teaching on African civilization.

Monday, February 27, 2006

La Bouche

Somptueuse Rose Couche

The girl and the Eiffel Tower

Paris, Janvier 2005

Right Before the Flush

Taking the last look of a fish who shows
For the first and the last time like Jaws
His Joli

Déjeuner Sur L'Herbe

BZH, Octobre 2002

Poets On A Rock

BZH October 2002

iScape Nippon: Country Funky Tokyo (Audio)

Every week or so a share of original sounds recorded in Japan this past October. Listen, glisten to the quivering of gardens, the shouts of crowds , the palpitation of radio waves, and the yeahas of western worship.

Track 13: And today, as we close in on the end of the nippon adventures, is the day of western worship. Live and direct from Asakusa Tokyo, dig that country shit!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Blake meets Yeats over a Pretzel in Ithaca circa 1931

A few days ago, the infamy of the willy serpents we mentioned. By some exciting serendipity a copy of the Poems of William Blake edited by William Butler Yeats himself I found in a university book sale on Friday (for $1 he he...).

The quote Eifersucht ist eine Leidenschaft, die mit Eifer sucht, was Leiden schafft seems to be a quote by Friedriech Schleiermacher, but further comments on the person and meaning of the quote are really appreciated.


Morning in the streets of Rennes, by night... Riding on a motorway... Keeping my eyes open for more than 30 secs...

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Shoot Yourself

Super (8) Krismix in Cameroon

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

SY pilgrims: So long NYC

Beauty contest:Hard to match up with that American smile

En route for Boston in the celestial bus

Keeping up with art gossips, it is sad that William Blake's engravings be parted like this to end up in singleness on walls of Californian mansions and lawyer cabinets.
A blame for you Libby Howie and a blame for you Sotheby. If only Iggy Pop would explain them how absolutely hideous philistines are.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Brittany Pilgrims: Roman Photo with Umbrella

I dare not look back over the cliff of destiny

I must

Nature morte with umbrella

Monday, February 20, 2006

iScape Nippon: Ueno on Fire (Audio)

Every week or so a share of original sounds recorded in Japan this past October. Listen, glisten to the quivering of gardens, the shouts of crowds , the palpitation of radio waves, and the yeahas of western worship.

Leaving Kyoto and saying goodbye to the friends at the Bon guesthouse

Back in Tokyo

Track 12: Walking back from the Tokyo National Museum you cross through Ueno Park. Shouts hedge the trees to your ears. Blue men jogging in pendulum and winging their arms reveal a curious spectacle: Ueno's firemen are training!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Alphabet (Body Expression)

Let's get real, the reading methods of today just ain't working

Learn how to read with KMX & the Pitt

Today a very special K

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

SY Pilgrims: Sonic Youth Summerstage

The official purpose of our trip to NYC. We even had in mind to attend the concert in costumes: Arm as a Flower, and myself as a Ghost. We had the costumes ready but got old suddenly.

Sample Pix from the show with Arm talking some sweet Oh la la! to Kim

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Tune in to the Train Station (Audio)

Today's post is a Valentine for all the trainspotters of this world: an original recording of the Mississpi N0.300 from the LP Steam Railroading uner Thundering Skies (Mobile Fidelity, Burbank California, 1961).

Execerpts of the liner notes:

DYNAMIC SOUND DRAMA of Thunder, Lightning and Rain
Havoc! February 1961! The full force of angry skies strike Hattiesburg, Mississipi. The stark of devastating rain and high water, the crakle of lightning, and earth shaking thunder is heard over the wailing whistle of old No. 300.

Track 1
: As the storm begins to move in Hattiesbur, No.300 rounds a curve with seven cars from the Southern Railway, She pulls be the B. & H. S. Freigh House picks up a caboose and heads down the mainline for Beaumont.

Let us all reflect after listening to this track about technological "progress" and the value of good old mechanical machines such as Super 8, SLR, and vinyls. Vinyls have been surviving thanks to the DJ culture (for how long though), too bad we have not found a similar alternative use of super 8.

Special tip of the hat to the sound engineers: Brad Miller and Stuart Plummer.

iScape Nippon: 1000 Buddhas (Audio)

Every week or so a share of original sounds recorded in Japan this past October. Listen, glisten to the shouting gardens, the quiveringof crowds , the palpitation of radio waves, and the yeahas of western worship.

Track 11: Lost in the lush rain of Arashiyama's green hills, you make it to a stoned shelter. Ring the bell - They were waiting for you.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Brittany Pilgrims: Roman Photo With Mother

Mother, Where are thou?

Body, whose are thou?

My sisyphean head knows no rest

I must leave now

Thursday, February 09, 2006

SY Pilgrims: Central Park Happening

Grabbing on to the last real tree of Central Park before the SY show

Tree men

Tree man

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Shoot Your (self) Films: Zion

Angel's Landing
On the way to Observation Point
On the way to the Emerald Pools

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Jet Set Network: Fresh Princes

Armand spent the last week-end with Will Smith at his log cabin in Colorado. See picture above. Feedback from the never expired prince:
"Bro, I dig your blog no doubt. That shishiodoshit s'got the beat!"

Thanks man. Thanks.

Monday, February 06, 2006

iScape Nippon: Shoren-in Dance (Audio)

Every week or so a share of original sounds recorded in Japan this past October. Listen, glisten to the quivering of gardens, the shouts of crowds , the palpitation of radio waves, and the yeahas of western worship.

Track 10: you are at the Shoren-In temple looking out at the garden. The stage has been set under the sun light, between the temple and the gardens. The Honshu dancer in full robes glides onto the stage and salutes the audience respectfully watching form a distance.

Brittany Pilgrims Continued

For real

Saturday, February 04, 2006

iScape Nippon: Prayer Hut

Friday, February 03, 2006

Sonic Youth Pilgrims: Broken Intro

As promised, the road trip tale as told in the road book of eroded faces no longer teens not yet ties, just nies whose life is read and rode on SY subtitles.


Getting down of the Boston -> NY Chinese bus, the first of a long series of experimental trash pictures.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Stencil, Stencil On the Wall...

... who is the finest poet of them all?