Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Tune in to the Train Station (Audio)

Today's post is a Valentine for all the trainspotters of this world: an original recording of the Mississpi N0.300 from the LP Steam Railroading uner Thundering Skies (Mobile Fidelity, Burbank California, 1961).

Execerpts of the liner notes:

DYNAMIC SOUND DRAMA of Thunder, Lightning and Rain
Havoc! February 1961! The full force of angry skies strike Hattiesburg, Mississipi. The stark of devastating rain and high water, the crakle of lightning, and earth shaking thunder is heard over the wailing whistle of old No. 300.

Track 1
: As the storm begins to move in Hattiesbur, No.300 rounds a curve with seven cars from the Southern Railway, She pulls be the B. & H. S. Freigh House picks up a caboose and heads down the mainline for Beaumont.

Let us all reflect after listening to this track about technological "progress" and the value of good old mechanical machines such as Super 8, SLR, and vinyls. Vinyls have been surviving thanks to the DJ culture (for how long though), too bad we have not found a similar alternative use of super 8.

Special tip of the hat to the sound engineers: Brad Miller and Stuart Plummer.


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